Happy New Year!


Another year, another revolution around the sun begins. Another symbolic opportunity to shed bad habits, energy, influences; to refocus on our potential, and start afresh with hope and determination. Whatever your goals for 2016, the Foot Levelers family wishes you a healthy, joyous and prosperous new chapter.

And if you are celebrating the year’s close tonight, please do so safely!


Your Friends at Foot Levelers

Do You Have What It Takes? (We’re Hiring!)


We make cool stuff that changes lives. Our reps are proud to tell you all about it.

Looking for a career, not just a job?

Are you hard-working… But love to have fun too?

Do you like to help others? Are you passionate about empowering people to live healthy, happy and productive lives?

If you are reading this and enthusiastically shouting “Yes! That’s Me! Yes!” at your computer screen–or even if you’re saying this quietly in your head, which might be better if you’re in public–then Foot Levelers may have the perfect position for you.


Work hard, play hard. And sometimes a little weird.

We’re hiring for Sales and Service Rockstars… Well, o.k., officially called Sales and Service Representatives, but the skills, energy and personality we’re looking for are nothing short of rockstar level. In turn, we offer competitive pay and stellar benefits (100% employer-sponsored healthcare, anyone? How about an on-site gym?), not to mention fulfilling mission-driven work that you can feel good–nay, great–about.

Ready for a change? Check out the full description here. We hope to hear from you!


Over 60 years of designing custom-made orthotics that relieve pain and improve performance. Won’t you join us?

Foot Levelers Cooks!

Each year at our company lunch, our CEO Kent gives every employee a holiday turkey to prepare and share with family friends. This year, we’ve challenged our folks to document their Turkey Time and share it with the world via social media–from the seasoning and stuffing to the baking (or roasting or frying!), to when the turkey makes its grand debut on the holiday table.  We’ll be sharing these pics on Facebook with the hashtag #FootLevelersCooks!

There’s a reason we sometimes refer to our company as ‘Food Levelers’ (we like to eat, OK?) and there are a lot of amateur chefs on our team who will be vying for a shot at poultry glory… We can’t wait to see what they come up with!

XP3+ is Here: Our Most Extreme Orthotic Yet

For athletes who go the distance: XP3+.

XP3+ is 100% custom-made support, designed for the individual athlete. With double MPAX™ support in the heel and NEW MPAX Pro™ in the forefoot, XP3+™ is guaranteed to provide results on the road, the track, the field–wherever you’re breaking records and killing the competition.

By reducing the force of impact at heel strike and improving propulsion at toe-off, XP3+ is ideal for extreme competitive durability.  But it’s only available through your health professional– so talk to your Chiropractor today about XP3+.xp3+ angle view 2 up

Giving Back

Behind the scenes at Foot Levelers… Here are a few shots from yesterday, when team members loaded up our truck with donations for the Rescue Mission, a homeless shelter and more serving Foot Levelers’ hometown of Roanoke, Virginia.   All told, we gave the Mission 16 15-lb. turkeys, 20 lbs. of hamburger and 49 of our therapeutic pillows.

Giving is an important part of Foot Levelers’ culture. To learn more, visit http://www.FootLevelers.com.

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Check Out Our New Kicks!


Left to right, the Moab for him and Siren Sport 2 for her.

Available January 1!

We’re excited to add two new shoes to our collection: the Moab and Siren Sport 2 by Merrell, one of the world’s top rated companies for hiking shoes.

For him, Moab features all-over ventilation for breezy comfort and Gore-Tex for waterproof protection.  High-quality outsole for great traction over a cushy, responsive midsole.

For women, Siren Sport 2 features Merrell’s signature air cushioning, all-over ventilation, Gore-Tex for waterproof protection, and QForm Comfort in the midsole that’s designed just for her.

Fitted with Foot Levelers’ custom orthotics, these waterproof troopers will take you everywhere–whether it’s a trip to the mall to return your less-than-desirable holiday gifts, or a rugged hike (through the rain no less) to work off those stubborn holiday pounds.  Check back with your Chiropractor in January!



Kick Even More Asphalt with the New & Improved XP3™

Patients can’t get enough of our XP3 orthotic—and now we’ve made it even better.  Our super-thin, feather-light orthotic favored by extreme athletes is now lighter and thinner than ever before—53.2% lighter than our other orthotics, so it won’t slow you down in the heat of the competition.

More on the new and improved XP3:

  • 46.3% 53.2% lighter than our other orthotics
  • Thin as a feather to slip easily into most athletic shoes, from cleats to spikes to trainers
  • MPAX™ Technology to instantly absorb up to 90% of energy when the foot hits the ground—to prevent strain and injury
  • 3 Arch Advantage™ supports you from the ground up—no matter how extreme the challenge

Backed by our 63 years of R&D, XP3 helps the most high-octane of athletes crush the competition. Talk to your Chiropractor today to get yours.


44 is the Magic Number

We talk a lot about the foot-spine connection, and how stabilizing the body’s foundation with custom orthotics can help support good posture for a happy, healthy, pain-free life.

Now it’s time to put our money where our mouth (foot?) is.  Foot Levelers is big on research and education, and today we’re going to spotlight one of our favorite studies, overseen by the National University of Health Sciences.  ‘Course, we know our products work–we’ve seen or heard about the positive results from millions of patients over the 63 years we’ve been in business.  But we wanted to make it official with the help of scientists and researchers.


Proof: It’s in the pudding.

The study recruited 50 patients with chronic low back pain and divided them into two groups: one wearing our custom-made orthotics and a control group, without orthotics.  Researchers measured change in pain levels in the two groups.

We were pleased, but not surprised by the results: folks wearing Foot Levelers’ custom-made orthotics reported a 44% reduction in pain after just 6 weeks of use.


44%! That’s a big number–and here’s another one.  Low back pain affects up to 84% of people living in this Canada and U.S. It’s also behind loss in workplace productivity, wages, and the rising use of dangerous drugs in the treatment of chronic pain.

Got low back pain? The science is clear. Our custom-made orthotics work in providing relief.  Your Chiropractor can help you get your life back, making pain a thing of the past.

The Story of Our Founder (Plus a Birthday Shout-Out!)

Today is Foot Levelers’ CEO’s birthday–Happy Birthday Kent!–which got us reminiscing about Foot Levelers’ humble beginning, all the way back in 1952. The company, after all, was started by Kent’s father, the renowned Chiropractor Dr. Monte H. Greenawalt, who at that time was not all that well-known–he was fresh out of Chiropractic college, just starting his practice from the basement of a bank in Dubuque, Iowa.

Foot Levelers is literally in Kent’s blood, so sharing the company, and family, story seemed a fitting way to honor him today. It’s a pretty remarkable story, and we hope you enjoy it.


It was 1942, and World War II was raging. A young man from Iowa, Monte H. Greenawalt, wanted to help, so he signed up for the Army.

But Monte’s preparations didn’t go as planned. As part of his pre-service requirements, he required vaccinations. Tragedy struck. A tainted batch killed many young men, and Monte was left paralyzed, forced to lie in an iron lung for six months.

Doctor after doctor told his devastated family that Monte would live the rest of his life as a paraplegic. His mother wouldn’t hear it. She eventually sought out a local Chiropractor, who was able to restore her son’s mobility.

monte_kentOur founder, Dr. Monte H. Greenawalt, with his son Kent, who’s our Chairman and CEO today (he’s bigger now)

“They carried him in and he walked out,” Monte’s mother would later recall.

Monte’s path was now clear. Though he had planned to study medicine after his enlistment, his personal experience with the power of Chiropractic changed all that. In 1948, a newly minted Dr. Monte graduated from Lincoln Chiropractic College.


An early version of our custom-made orthotics

As a young Doctor practicing in Dubuque, Dr. Monte began to notice a pattern: patients with foot problems, especially, were returning to him with the same back, joint, knee and hip problems they started with—his Chiropractic adjustments just weren’t holding. Dr. Monte referred these patients to a podiatrist, but their problems persisted. In fact, many got worse. If a foot device could make his patients’ problems worse, he wondered, could it also potentially make these problems better?

Dr. Monte began to experiment with orthotics, and through trial and error, developed a formula based on 16 unique measurements of the foot. His patients began to feel better, results improved; his adjustments held longer. The referrals started flowing in, and eventually Dr. Monte’s little garage workshop couldn’t handle the demand. Foot Levelers moved to an old dairy; years later, the company relocated across the country to Roanoke, Virginia–making it easier to reach patients with its products quicker–and that’s where it remains, with Monte’s son (our birthday boy) at the helm. Sadly, Dr. Monte passed away in 2007.


Kent S. Greenawalt, just a few years later 😉

Today Foot Levelers is the #1 provider of custom-made orthotics for Chiropractors all over the world. We’ve helped millions of patients overcome pain and improve performance. Kent has overseen incredible growth and innovation for the family company as President and later Chairman and CEO– like his dad, he’s a tireless advocate of Chiropractic, a multi-patent-holding inventor, and a committed philanthropist.

If you have pain, we want to help you–it’s what Foot Levelers has been about from day one. You can find a Chiropractor who offers our products here, and read more about how orthotics can help your symptoms here, here and here.