Supporting Those ‘Who Risk Their Lives to Keep Us Safe’

Team Foot Levelers was honored to kick off an unprecedented partnership with the brave men and women of Roanoke Fire-EMS this week, our hometown’s first responders. One-hundred and sixty-five of the Star City’s finest will be product-testing a new Foot Levelers orthotic top cover, designed for the toughest jobs and lifestyles!


The Roanoke Press Corps was also out in force to help share the news with our community. Check out some of their recent stories:


“Roanoke Fire-EMS is excited to partner with Foot Levelers on this exciting opportunity,” said Roanoke Fire-EMS Chief David Hoback. “We can’t wait to see how these custom products will benefit our firefighters.”

“Every new Foot Levelers product and product element must go through an intensive series of tests,” said Steve Stone, Foot Levelers Senior Vice President… “There aren’t many folks who work in tougher environments or who are harder on their feet and bodies than first responders; plus, as a company, we’re always looking for ways to give back…What better way than to support the selfless men and women who are out there every day risking their lives to keep us safe?”

Good news for our firefighters, who frequently suffer from back pain: a major clinical trial to be published in The Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation conclusively shows that Low Back Pain improves with Foot Levelers custom orthotics. We’ll be sharing more on this exciting development soon!

5 Reasons to Choose Custom Orthotics for the Treatment of Low Back Pain


1. The feet are the body’s foundation. Just like a building, fixing problems in the foundation can help with problems throughout the structure.


“…I have to load 5,000 pigs every 4 months. This entails many hours of walking on cement alleyways. I couldn’t help load without my Foot Levelers!” –Farmer Donita Koberg Platz of Minnesota

2. “Bad” feet are linked to bad backs—the research proves it. Fixing bad feet can make a huge difference in the treatment of low back pain.

3. Your feet may feel just fine—but they could be causing problems up above. Foot imbalance or dysfunction is often “silent,” but it can have ripple effects, transferring problems (and pain) to the low back.

4. Your feet are as unique as your fingerprints; your orthotics should be too. Only custom orthotics can account for differences between your right and left foot, and can include accommodations for your specific feet, body and low back pain.

5. Custom orthotics are built just for you based on a highly detailed 3D scan of your feet. Performed by a skilled health professional, the scan is sent to Foot Levelers’ team of trained design technicians, who in turn create your 100% unique, tailored product.


Patient receives a 3D laser scan on Foot Levelers’ 3D BodyView. The highly detailed image becomes like an architectural drawing for our design team. They’ll use it to create the patient’s custom orthotics.


Don’t be fooled by the over-the-counter junk; these mass-produced, generic insoles can actually worsen your pain over time. Most cases of low back pain respond to conservative care like Chiropractic adjustments plus custom-made orthotics; no need for dangerous surgery or addictive drugs. 

For lasting pain relief, improved biomechanics and health benefits that radiate throughout the body, choose custom orthotic support. Your feet, and your body, will thank you.

Dr. Kris at the Sports Chiropractic Symposium Australia: Tweens, Teens and Young Adult Female Athletes

Here’s more from our awesome Dr. Kristina Petrocco-Napuli (“Dr. Kris”) who’s traveling through Australia lecturing on Chiropractic’s important role in women’s wellness. We’re honored to have such a wonderful doctor and educator on our team!

untitledFICS and Sports Chiropractic Australia

One word to describe this group….AMAZING! It was so wonderful to meet a group of Chiropractors on the same mission of patient centered care and leading the way in the profession. At this conference I met a variety of practitioners from around Australia as well as students from Macquarie University, Murdoch University and New Zealand College of Chiropractic.


Angelica Gaunt of Foot Levelers Australia, Dr. Lorenzo Campagna Current Sports Chiropractor NSW Chairman, Debbie Kelly-CCA and me!

The topic for my presentation at the conference was: The Female Athlete: Tweens, Teens and Young Adults. During the presentation one of the topics of interest was assisting the female athlete in understanding how to optimize training in correlation with her menstrual cycle and the impact it can have. In addition, the correlation of the biomechanics of the pelvis and conditions which effect the female patient.

The conference concluded very nicely with a gender balanced discussion panel of many untitled2speakers from the weekend related to sports Chiropractic practice….It was an incredible honor to be included.

A huge thank you to the CCA and Sports Chiropractic of Australia for including me as speaker!

As the conference ended it was now time for a walk to see some of the rest of Sydney….off to the Opera it was!

Stay tuned….. for tomorrow is a board lecture in Sydney!


Look Who Made the Front Cover!

We’re proud of our partner and speaker, Dr. Tim Maggs, who made the front cover of The American Chiropractor magazine this month (that’s him on the right, and that’s Foot Levelers’ V7+ 3D software on the laptop screen, which helps docs assess patients for possible foot imbalances).  Inside, Dr. Maggs discusses his Concerned Parents of Young Athletes™ (CPOYA) Network, a partnership with Foot Levelers, which provides training, resources, networking opportunities and more for Chiropractors interested in working with middle and high school-aged athletes.

Dr. Maggs is passionate about changing the game when it comes to care for youth athletes…From one that simply treats/reacts to sports injuries to a prevention-focused model. Chiropractic should be at the forefront of this movement, he says, and he’s working with Foot Levelers to get the word out. We recently introduced the CPOYA custom orthotic to celebrate—you can check it out here.

Are you a Chiropractor interested in working with Dr. Maggs? Request an invitation for future hands-on training session here.


Happy Birthday Chiropractic, Plus a Success Experience for DCs!

WOW! So much going on here at Foot Levelers, we’re not even sure where to start!

First of all, we’ve kicked off a HUGE celebration of Chiropractic’s 121st Birthday (September 18th).  We could not be more proud of this great profession and of the incredible doctors who are changing lives every day with their care. If you’re a Chiropractor and want to learn about some unbelievable “birthday” offers and more, call us: 800.553.4860.

What’s more, Foot Levelers just held its first Practice Accelerator Program  in New York last week. This exclusive, invitation-only practice growth training brought together some of our most successful doctors to learn from renowned sports Chiropractor Dr. Tim Maggs. Dr. Maggs is the developer of the Structural Fingerprint Exam®, designed to prevent injuries in high school and middle school athletes, and the Concerned Parents of Young Athletes™ (CPOYA) Program, inspiration for Foot Levelers’ new CPOYA™ orthotic.


practicexcelerator-rev_2016Here’s what one of our attendees had to say…

“This was a top-notch event for learning more on biomechanics and how we can help our patients more with what we currently have in our office. I was able to learn pearls from Dr. Maggs and apply them to my practice the next day. I have been wanting to work with more athletes… Dr. Maggs and Foot Levelers have given us the tools, data, and research with the CPOYA program.  A sincere thank you to Foot Levelers and to Dr. Maggs for their ongoing support of the Chiropractic profession. I would recommend this program to a new graduate or a more seasoned doctor like myself alike. There is always more to learn to assist our patients, so we can become the ‘go-to’ doctors for preventing and treating injuries in athletes!”

—Dr. Susan C., Sandyston, NJ

Are you a Doctor of Chiropractic interested in taking your practice to the next level? Learn more about the Foot Levelers Training Center and request an invitation to a future training event here.

Check Out AM7™: Our New Custom-Made Orthotics for Teens

We’re excited to introduce our newest innovation in custom-made orthotics: AM7™, designed for teens ages 13-18.  AM7 features:

  • Super durability for teens’ active lifestylesAM7-Teen-Orthotic-4444
  • Odor protection designed specifically for teens
  • 3 Arch Advantage™ to promote healthy posture, help prevent injury and improve biomechanics

AM7 is available with Foot Levelers’ Posture Protect Program™, for savings with each replacement orthotic for the rapidly growing teen. It’s the perfect “step up” for young patients who have enjoyed the support and protection of Foot Levelers’ Ultra Young Soles®, designed for ages 5–12.

AM7 and Ultra Young Soles are developed specifically for the growing body. Ask your Chiropractor to learn more!

New Athletic TIPS: Treating Over-Pronation in Football Players

dr kennedy adjusting

Check out this new Athletic TIPS from Dr. Pat Kennedy: “Treating Excessive Pronation in Football Players.” By some estimates, 77% of the population over-pronates–that’s 3 out of 4 adults! –making the entire body more susceptible to injury and disease (not just the feet). In a game as rough as football, it’s essential that athletes who over-pronate get treatment, and Chiropractic care + custom-made orthotics offer research-proven results.

(…But you don’t have to take our word for it. Just ask the NFL!)

Want to learn more about pronation? You can dig a little deeper into the topic here.

New Athletic TIPS™: Treating Plantar Fasciitis in Basketball Players


DCs and athletes! Check out this short and sweet article on treating plantar fasciitis in basketball players from our friends at Athletic TIPS™ (Toward Injury Prevention in Sports). The mission of Athletic TIPS is to educate healthcare providers, trainers, coaches and other professionals on ways to keep the athletes under their care injury-free.

Among several recommendations, the article states custom-made orthotics play an important role in treating this painful and complex condition.  Learn more here!