Christmas in July!

We delivered complimentary custom orthotics to our friends in the Roanoke City Fire & EMS department last week. One-hundred and sixty-five of our hometown heroes will be product testing a new Foot Levelers orthotic top cover, designed for the toughest jobs and lifestyles!

We’re looking forward to their feedback. We’ll also be examining how the orthotics are wearing at 30 days, 90 days, and 180 days. Stay tuned for updates!



Update on Rory’s Story

Remember Rory?



We’re pleased to report that we’ve finished building his pair of custom orthotics and they’ve already made their way across the pond to Drs. Bloom and Greenfield at Stanfield Chiropractic outside of London, England. Rory and his family will come back to the clinic soon to pick up his new orthotics and make sure they’re just right (they live several hours away), and we’ll keep you posted when they do!

Here’s Tammy on our team holding Rory’s new custom orthotics before we shipped them out.

tammy with tiny orthotics

We hope Rory enjoys his new orthotics, and that they’ll help him grow into a stronger, healthier young man. You can give to support Rory’s recovery here.


Let’s Get Nerdy

Science. We like it.

And not just because the design of our custom orthotics is based on it. Not just because research proves again and again that our custom orthotics help Low Back Pain, plus a ton of other pain and performance issues.*

Wellllllll... OK. That’s a big part of it.

But we also like science because our patients like it. Nay, our patients demand it! As well they should–health is “kind of a big deal” and folks want to make sure they’re making the right decisions for their body, well-being, and longevity.

That’s why today (!) we released a BIG, whopping, dare-we-say thrilling update to our Patient Report of Findings… Check out the latest and greatest below!


This new Report of Findings–available on the cloud-based Kiosk only–reveals detailed info and images about the health of your feet and their three arches, plus how arch collapse may be contributing to problems throughout the body. It helps your doctor determine if you’re a candidate for custom orthotics.


Our 3D BodyView generates a fantastic Patient Report of Findings too–but this version is more in-depth than ever. You and your doctor are armed with…

  • More data about your feet and posture
  • Enhanced options to review the Report together
  • Nifty new graphics that show how orthotics can improve your posture
  • Sections your doctor can customize with her or his practice information so you’ll always have your doctor’s info handy should you have questions or want to schedule a follow-up

You also get emailed your very own version of the Report.

Patients are loving the Kiosk because scanning yourself is fun–and it’s a real eye-opener when it comes to learning how important foot health is, not just for the feet, but for the entire body.  Docs love the Kiosk because it saves them time–invaluable in any busy practice.


A patient gives the Kiosk a whirl as C.A. Lexi Zoppetti looks on at Bompiani Spine & Sport in Latrobe, PA.

So go ahead, get nerdy with us! We at Foot Levelers ❤ our science and we think you will too. If you’ve got back pain (or hip pain, joint pain, knee pain, neck pain, even headaches!), ask your doctor how research-backed custom orthotics can help. Don’t have a Foot Levelers doc yet? Give us a call at 800.553.4860 or message us on Facebook–we’ll help you find one in your area.

(And whether your doctor scans your feet with the 3D BodyView or the new Kiosk, the end result–should you need it–is a great pair of custom orthotics, built from scratch, made just for you).

*Hint: we’ve got another BIG announcement coming soon in the science arena. Stay tuned!

Supporting Those ‘Who Risk Their Lives to Keep Us Safe’

Team Foot Levelers was honored to kick off an unprecedented partnership with the brave men and women of Roanoke Fire-EMS this week, our hometown’s first responders. One-hundred and sixty-five of the Star City’s finest will be product-testing a new Foot Levelers orthotic top cover, designed for the toughest jobs and lifestyles!


The Roanoke Press Corps was also out in force to help share the news with our community. Check out some of their recent stories:


“Roanoke Fire-EMS is excited to partner with Foot Levelers on this exciting opportunity,” said Roanoke Fire-EMS Chief David Hoback. “We can’t wait to see how these custom products will benefit our firefighters.”

“Every new Foot Levelers product and product element must go through an intensive series of tests,” said Steve Stone, Foot Levelers Senior Vice President… “There aren’t many folks who work in tougher environments or who are harder on their feet and bodies than first responders; plus, as a company, we’re always looking for ways to give back…What better way than to support the selfless men and women who are out there every day risking their lives to keep us safe?”

Good news for our firefighters, who frequently suffer from back pain: a major clinical trial to be published in The Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation conclusively shows that Low Back Pain improves with Foot Levelers custom orthotics. We’ll be sharing more on this exciting development soon!

5 Reasons to Choose Custom Orthotics for the Treatment of Low Back Pain


1. The feet are the body’s foundation. Just like a building, fixing problems in the foundation can help with problems throughout the structure.


“…I have to load 5,000 pigs every 4 months. This entails many hours of walking on cement alleyways. I couldn’t help load without my Foot Levelers!” –Farmer Donita Koberg Platz of Minnesota

2. “Bad” feet are linked to bad backs—the research proves it. Fixing bad feet can make a huge difference in the treatment of low back pain.

3. Your feet may feel just fine—but they could be causing problems up above. Foot imbalance or dysfunction is often “silent,” but it can have ripple effects, transferring problems (and pain) to the low back.

4. Your feet are as unique as your fingerprints; your orthotics should be too. Only custom orthotics can account for differences between your right and left foot, and can include accommodations for your specific feet, body and low back pain.

5. Custom orthotics are built just for you based on a highly detailed 3D scan of your feet. Performed by a skilled health professional, the scan is sent to Foot Levelers’ team of trained design technicians, who in turn create your 100% unique, tailored product.


Patient receives a 3D laser scan on Foot Levelers’ 3D BodyView. The highly detailed image becomes like an architectural drawing for our design team. They’ll use it to create the patient’s custom orthotics.


Don’t be fooled by the over-the-counter junk; these mass-produced, generic insoles can actually worsen your pain over time. Most cases of low back pain respond to conservative care like Chiropractic adjustments plus custom-made orthotics; no need for dangerous surgery or addictive drugs. 

For lasting pain relief, improved biomechanics and health benefits that radiate throughout the body, choose custom orthotic support. Your feet, and your body, will thank you.

Breaktime Bliss

Our team works hard to build the world’s best custom-made orthotics, but like our CEO is fond of saying, “If you wear out your body, where are you going to live?” That’s why Foot Levelers offers our employees an on-site gym, free access to a personal trainer twice a week, and free, 100% employer-covered health insurance. Today, we welcomed a team of masseuses from Daniel’s Institute of Massage for a little break-time R&R! Many thanks to these talented professionals and a big shout-out to Foot Levelers’ People Department for bringing them in!



Dr. Kris, Signing Off for Now (Farewell, Australia!)

A “farewell (for now) Australia!” message from Dr. Kristina Petrocco-Napuli, expert on women’s wellness and Chiropractic care–not to mention a Foot Levelers’ Speaker Extraordinaire! Dr. Kris has been traveling through Oz with our Country Manager for Australia, Angelica Gaunt, speaking to Chiropractors on women’s health, treating the female athlete, and caring for the pediatric foot, among other exciting Chiropractic topics. Did you know? Foot Levelers has a Team Australia, based just outside of Sydney. “Oz” is just one of the more than 70 countries  we serve! 


Brisbane! We made it! This is our last stop on our Australian tour and we will be spending the next couple of days at the Australian Research Dynamic Growth Conference. Brisbane is the capital of Queensland and one of the oldest cities in Australia.

The booth was very busy at the conference we had a lot of visits from docs, C.A.s and students that were interested in many of the awesome Foot Levelers products.


Angelica and I at the Foot Levelers’ booth at the Dynamic Growth conference

At the conference I met many new friends and colleagues as well as some old! There were two Chiropractic colleges that were present and I was able to meet and spend time talking with some of their faculty and administrators about the curriculum and contributions to the profession. I was also surprised to find that many students attend this conference as well as new graduates.

As Saturday began, Angelica and I were busy at the booth following the opening plenary session. I then headed to my presentation location to find that an old friend and colleague would be my moderator. At this conference my topic was Demystifying the Pediatric Foot, which was a bit of a shift from the women’s health topics earlier in the week.


A tribute to Dr. Monte, Foot Levelers’ late founder.

At the beginning of the presentation I took some time to talk about Foot Levelers’ founder, Dr. Monte Greenawalt, and his perspective on pediatric care. In addition, I was able to discuss some of the history of the profession related to Chiropractic education at Lincoln Chiropractic College and how the founding principles may have guided Dr. Greenawalt since he was an alum of Lincoln Chiropractic College.

After my presentation I had some very nice conversations with many students (as there were a lot present) and some of the local practitioners.

This was the last stop on our tour…. And incredibly bitter sweet. I had the best work companion that anyone could have asked for…thank you Angelica!


Dr. Irum Tahir and I, a fellow speaker at the DG conference, and both NYCC Alums! Dr. Tahir’s practice is based in Syracuse, New York

Throughout this trip I learned so much from all of the practitioners about practice in Australia and some of the struggles the profession is currently experiencing here as well as some of the opportunities that are developing…such as a new Chiropractic School in Adelaide.

I am incredibly grateful for this opportunity and cannot thank Foot Levelers enough for a once in a lifetime professional journey.

To my new friends and wonderful hosts: so long for now! And with a final thought… Where Have Your Orthotics Taken You? For me, to Australia and back!


Angelica and I