Breaking: Study Validates Foot Levelers Custom Orthotics Significantly Reduce Low Back Pain, Help Reduce Reliance on Opioids


What could eclipse the eclipse?

In our world–in the world of safe, effective pain management and the fight to save lives as the national opioid emergency rages on–it’s a new, major research study that proves what we’ve know for over 65 years:

Foot Levelers + Chiropractic care significantly reduce Chronic Low Back Pain

by an average of 40.4 percent.

Published in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, the study hits the print stands September 1. Click here or scroll down to view the full news release.

Foot Levelers custom orthotics, like Chiropractic care, are safe, painless, non-invasive and cost-effective–in stark contrast to risky, expensive surgery.  It’s important to note that Chiropractic is, and has always been, a proudly drug-free approach to care.

Got Pain? Avoid the knife and potentially life-threatening drugs. Call 800.553.4860 to find a Foot Levelers doctor near you.


ROANOKE, VA—August 22, 2017—A conclusive new study, “Shoe Orthotics for the Treatment of Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial” conducted by National University of Health Sciences and published in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation shows that Foot Levelers custom orthotics, particularly in combination with chiropractic care, significantly reduce Low Back Pain (LBP). The National Institutes of Health (NIH) reports 80 percent of adults experience LBP at some point in their lifetime and it’s the single leading cause of disability worldwide, with many taking prescription drugs for pain relief – which often leads to long-term drug abuse and addiction.


“The study unequivocally confirms what we have known for over 65 years: Foot Levelers custom orthotics are a powerful first-line treatment in the battle against LBP,” says Kent S. Greenawalt, CEO of Foot Levelers, the world’s leading provider of custom-made functional orthotics and other therapeutic products. “There is significant scientific evidence that explains the foot-spine connection, but the bottom line is that using Foot Levelers to balance and support the feet—the foundation of the body—helps balance and support the spine. This study is another striking development in the case for evidence-based, conservative care of LBP, which in the face of America’s ongoing opioid crisis, is more important news than ever.”


A Chiropractor resident treats a patient in Hayward, California

Key Findings

  • Foot Levelers orthotics significantly reduce Low Back Pain 34.5 percent
  • Foot Levelers orthotics plus chiropractic care reduce Low Back Pain 40.4 percent
  • Foot Levelers alone or in conjunction with chiropractic care improves function:  18.5 percent and 32.3 percent, respectively


  • Outcomes assessed at six weeks. Outcomes also assessed after 12 weeks, and then after an additional three, six, and 12 months.
  • Improvements in both pain and in function as measured on the Numeric Pain Rating Scale and functional health status (Oswestry) scale.
  • 225 subjects with LBP were randomly assigned to one of three groups:
  1. Wait-list: no treatment for 6 weeks.
  2. Foot Levelers Shoe Orthotic Group: treatment plan consisted of Foot Levelers custom orthotics only.
  3. Plus Group: treatment plan of Foot Levelers custom orthotics plus chiropractic care.

Manuel Duarte, DC, MSAc, DABCO, and DACBSP, Chair of Clinical Practice at National University of Health Sciences, (Lombard, IL) and one of the study’s lead researchers, says, “LBP is one of the most common reasons cited for missed work and the NIH study confirms more than one quarter of adults reported LBP during the past three months.  Most alarming is the link between LBP and the deadly opioid epidemic, a challenge that is effectively addressed when Foot Levelers custom orthotics and drug-free chiropractic care are the first-line approach for LBP pain management.”

More on this important breaking story coming soon!

Media Contact:
Foot Levelers, Inc.
Elizabeth Parsons, 540-682-2336

1 Scan = Unlimited Pairs (for Up to 2 Years!)

Did you know that Foot Levelers keeps your foot scan on file for 24 months? That means a fresh pair of custom orthotics or orthotic footwear may just be a phone call away!

4 - colorized compare

Call your doctor today to ask about additional pairs–whether it’s the same model you got before or you want to try something completely different, one scan gives us the information we need to build you the support you need.  And if you don’t have a Foot Levelers doctor yet, call or message us today to find one near you! 800.553.4860.

5 Reasons to Choose Custom Orthotics for the Treatment of Low Back Pain


1. The feet are the body’s foundation. Just like a building, fixing problems in the foundation can help with problems throughout the structure.


“…I have to load 5,000 pigs every 4 months. This entails many hours of walking on cement alleyways. I couldn’t help load without my Foot Levelers!” –Farmer Donita Koberg Platz of Minnesota

2. “Bad” feet are linked to bad backs—the research proves it. Fixing bad feet can make a huge difference in the treatment of low back pain.

3. Your feet may feel just fine—but they could be causing problems up above. Foot imbalance or dysfunction is often “silent,” but it can have ripple effects, transferring problems (and pain) to the low back.

4. Your feet are as unique as your fingerprints; your orthotics should be too. Only custom orthotics can account for differences between your right and left foot, and can include accommodations for your specific feet, body and low back pain.

5. Custom orthotics are built just for you based on a highly detailed 3D scan of your feet. Performed by a skilled health professional, the scan is sent to Foot Levelers’ team of trained design technicians, who in turn create your 100% unique, tailored product.


Patient receives a 3D laser scan on Foot Levelers’ 3D BodyView. The highly detailed image becomes like an architectural drawing for our design team. They’ll use it to create the patient’s custom orthotics.


Don’t be fooled by the over-the-counter junk; these mass-produced, generic insoles can actually worsen your pain over time. Most cases of low back pain respond to conservative care like Chiropractic adjustments plus custom-made orthotics; no need for dangerous surgery or addictive drugs. 

For lasting pain relief, improved biomechanics and health benefits that radiate throughout the body, choose custom orthotic support. Your feet, and your body, will thank you.

Back from D.C.!

Just a few pics of the team at DC2017, the 14th WFC Biennial Congress in the historic Washington Hilton, March 15th-18th. We were excited to meet with Chiropractors from all over the world plus learn about the latest and greatest in the profession. Speaking of latest and greatest (if we DO say so ourselves) — we showed off our new Kiosk!

For the first time, the American Chiropractic Association (ACA), the World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC), and the Association for Chiropractic Colleges (ACC) joined forces to present a world-class Chiropractic program featuring the latest in scientific research, global perspectives on the future of the profession, and inspirational sessions delivered by the profession’s thought leaders and content experts.

On March 14th at the National Press Club, our CEO Kent S. Greenawalt delivered opening remarks at the official launch event for the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress‘s  “Save Lives. Stop Opioid Abuse. Choose Chiropractic” campaign. Chiropractic, Kent argues, can lead the charge in reversing America’s ongoing opioid epidemic with its staggering implications on communities, families and the American healthcare system.


You can view the moving presentation here.




Media Alert: Kent S. Greenawalt to Speak at Groundbreaking Event in the Fight Against Opioid Abuse


Greenawalt to Address Global Healthcare Leaders, Media in Washington D.C. This Week at the World Federation for Chiropractic’s (WFC) Biennial Congress. The Launching of a New F4CP Campaign — “Save Lives. Stop Opioid Abuse. Choose Chiropractic.” — May Be “The Most Significant Meeting in the History of the Profession”

Foot Levelers’ Chairman and CEO Kent S. Greenawalt will deliver opening remarks on behalf of the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress (F4CP) on March 14th at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. next week. Greenawalt, who is also the founder and Chairman of the Foundation, will speak on a topic that could not be more urgent or relevant today: the opioid epidemic in America, an ongoing tragedy with staggering implications on communities, families and the American healthcare system. Chiropractic, Greenawalt says, can lead the charge in reversing the horrifying trend.

Nearly 30,000 Americans died from opioid overdose in 2014, a number that has tripled since 2000. For comparison, about 5,000 die annually from cocaine overdose. “The pharmaceutical industry, physicians and other prescribers, hospitals, and the FDA are all to blame,” wrote one author, a physician on the front lines, in a New York Daily News article exploring the problem last year.

The Foundation’s “Save Lives. Stop Opioid Abuse. Choose Chiropractic” campaign aims to “touch every consumer in the U.S. with our message that Chiropractic is a safer strategy than opioids.” It follows a positioning paper the Foundation released last year, “Chiropractic: A Safer Strategy Than Opioids.

The Foundation is asking for “5,000 doctors of chiropractic to contribute $200 each to support the efforts of ‘Save Lives. Stop Opioid Abuse. Choose Chiropractic.’ Those that want to contribute more can add others names – children, assistant(s), significant others and in honor of deceased family members – for an additional contribution.”

To learn more and give, visit

To attend the launch event on March 14th at 3 pm in the National Press Club in Washington, RSVP to You can also register for the free live webcast at