Walk This Way! (to Good Health)


We talk a lot to you athletes and weekend warriors out there (hey, you guys are some of our favorite people and biggest supporters!) But not everyone is destined for sports greatness, or frankly even interested in pushing their limits in the gym/field/track/road/etc. That’s OK. There’s more than one way to stay active, and simple, low key activities like walking can have incredible health benefits, too.

In addition to helping maintain a healthy weight, walking…

  • Lowers stress, lifts mood, and helps the heart
  • Improves circulation
  • Slows mental decline
  • Improves sleep
  • Encourages a feeling of connection with nature and with your thoughts

…All that and no special equipment is required–plus, walking is easier on the joints than running and is an exercise that folks of most ages and fitness levels can take on. Learn more about the wonders of walking here!