We Walk the Walk (and Run the Run)

Tomorrow’s the big day! The Foot Levelers Blue Ridge Marathon gets underway bright and early at 7:30 a.m. and we couldn’t be more excited!

Not only is Foot Levelers the title sponsor, we have several employees who will be competing tomorrow in America’s Toughest Road Races.  We also have several dozen more signed up to cheer on runners and hand out waters and snacks at the Mill Mountain Star Aide Station.


L-R, Meet our runners: Abby, Mike, Scott, Barto, Tammy, Wayne, and Tyler

Last night, WSLS’s John Carlin interviewed our CEO Kent about the company’s support of the marathon during a half-hour live marathon special. Check out the rebroadcast here! (Kent speaks to John around 11:30, and you can see Abby in action in the story immediately following the interview).


John Carlin (left) and Kent at the Foot Levelers Blue Ridge Marathon finish line last night

Big shout-out to our employee participants–we have all the faith in the world in you! We wish you and ALL the runners the best of luck on the course tomorrow! Stay tuned here and on our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for more updates throughout the weekend.

The Foot Levelers Blue Ridge Marathon 2017 is Almost Here!

Excitement is building for the Foot Levelers Blue Ridge Marathon, this Saturday in Foot Levelers’ stunning hometown of Roanoke, Virginia. Known as America’s Toughest Road Marathon, the event draws brave souls from all over the country.

Once again this year, several of our employees will be taking to the course as competitors–best of luck to Tammy, Wayne, Scott, Abby, Mike, and Tyler! And as always, we’ll have a raucous group of cheerleaders and helpers up at the Mill Mountain Star Aide Station helping to hand out waters, snacks, and keeping runners’ spirits high.

WSLS Channel 10 came to visit us recently to talk to Abby Oliver, former basketball superstar and our awesome employee, about her training for the marathon and some of the innovative ways Foot Levelers encourages employees like Abby to stay fit and healthy. They’ll be running a special tonight about the Marathon featuring Abby and a live interview with Kent from the finish line at Elmwood Park. Tune in if you can or check back here–we’ll post the special after it airs.

We’re rooting for everyone Saturday! You got this!

Dr. Kris at the Sports Chiropractic Symposium Australia: Tweens, Teens and Young Adult Female Athletes

Here’s more from our awesome Dr. Kristina Petrocco-Napuli (“Dr. Kris”) who’s traveling through Australia lecturing on Chiropractic’s important role in women’s wellness. We’re honored to have such a wonderful doctor and educator on our team!

untitledFICS and Sports Chiropractic Australia

One word to describe this group….AMAZING! It was so wonderful to meet a group of Chiropractors on the same mission of patient centered care and leading the way in the profession. At this conference I met a variety of practitioners from around Australia as well as students from Macquarie University, Murdoch University and New Zealand College of Chiropractic.


Angelica Gaunt of Foot Levelers Australia, Dr. Lorenzo Campagna Current Sports Chiropractor NSW Chairman, Debbie Kelly-CCA and me!

The topic for my presentation at the conference was: The Female Athlete: Tweens, Teens and Young Adults. During the presentation one of the topics of interest was assisting the female athlete in understanding how to optimize training in correlation with her menstrual cycle and the impact it can have. In addition, the correlation of the biomechanics of the pelvis and conditions which effect the female patient.

The conference concluded very nicely with a gender balanced discussion panel of many untitled2speakers from the weekend related to sports Chiropractic practice….It was an incredible honor to be included.

A huge thank you to the CCA and Sports Chiropractic of Australia for including me as speaker!

As the conference ended it was now time for a walk to see some of the rest of Sydney….off to the Opera it was!

Stay tuned….. for tomorrow is a board lecture in Sydney!


Happy Birthday Chiropractic, Plus a Success Experience for DCs!

WOW! So much going on here at Foot Levelers, we’re not even sure where to start!

First of all, we’ve kicked off a HUGE celebration of Chiropractic’s 121st Birthday (September 18th).  We could not be more proud of this great profession and of the incredible doctors who are changing lives every day with their care. If you’re a Chiropractor and want to learn about some unbelievable “birthday” offers and more, call us: 800.553.4860.

What’s more, Foot Levelers just held its first Practice Accelerator Program  in New York last week. This exclusive, invitation-only practice growth training brought together some of our most successful doctors to learn from renowned sports Chiropractor Dr. Tim Maggs. Dr. Maggs is the developer of the Structural Fingerprint Exam®, designed to prevent injuries in high school and middle school athletes, and the Concerned Parents of Young Athletes™ (CPOYA) Program, inspiration for Foot Levelers’ new CPOYA™ orthotic.


practicexcelerator-rev_2016Here’s what one of our attendees had to say…

“This was a top-notch event for learning more on biomechanics and how we can help our patients more with what we currently have in our office. I was able to learn pearls from Dr. Maggs and apply them to my practice the next day. I have been wanting to work with more athletes… Dr. Maggs and Foot Levelers have given us the tools, data, and research with the CPOYA program.  A sincere thank you to Foot Levelers and to Dr. Maggs for their ongoing support of the Chiropractic profession. I would recommend this program to a new graduate or a more seasoned doctor like myself alike. There is always more to learn to assist our patients, so we can become the ‘go-to’ doctors for preventing and treating injuries in athletes!”

—Dr. Susan C., Sandyston, NJ

Are you a Doctor of Chiropractic interested in taking your practice to the next level? Learn more about the Foot Levelers Training Center and request an invitation to a future training event here.

New Athletic TIPS: Treating Over-Pronation in Football Players

dr kennedy adjusting

Check out this new Athletic TIPS from Dr. Pat Kennedy: “Treating Excessive Pronation in Football Players.” By some estimates, 77% of the population over-pronates–that’s 3 out of 4 adults! –making the entire body more susceptible to injury and disease (not just the feet). In a game as rough as football, it’s essential that athletes who over-pronate get treatment, and Chiropractic care + custom-made orthotics offer research-proven results.

(…But you don’t have to take our word for it. Just ask the NFL!)

Want to learn more about pronation? You can dig a little deeper into the topic here.

New Athletic TIPS™: Treating Plantar Fasciitis in Basketball Players


DCs and athletes! Check out this short and sweet article on treating plantar fasciitis in basketball players from our friends at Athletic TIPS™ (Toward Injury Prevention in Sports). The mission of Athletic TIPS is to educate healthcare providers, trainers, coaches and other professionals on ways to keep the athletes under their care injury-free.

Among several recommendations, the article states custom-made orthotics play an important role in treating this painful and complex condition.  Learn more here!