Breaking: Study Validates Foot Levelers Custom Orthotics Significantly Reduce Low Back Pain, Help Reduce Reliance on Opioids


What could eclipse the eclipse?

In our world–in the world of safe, effective pain management and the fight to save lives as the national opioid emergency rages on–it’s a new, major research study that proves what we’ve know for over 65 years:

Foot Levelers + Chiropractic care significantly reduce Chronic Low Back Pain

by an average of 40.4 percent.

Published in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, the study hits the print stands September 1. Click here or scroll down to view the full news release.

Foot Levelers custom orthotics, like Chiropractic care, are safe, painless, non-invasive and cost-effective–in stark contrast to risky, expensive surgery.  It’s important to note that Chiropractic is, and has always been, a proudly drug-free approach to care.

Got Pain? Avoid the knife and potentially life-threatening drugs. Call 800.553.4860 to find a Foot Levelers doctor near you.


ROANOKE, VA—August 22, 2017—A conclusive new study, “Shoe Orthotics for the Treatment of Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial” conducted by National University of Health Sciences and published in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation shows that Foot Levelers custom orthotics, particularly in combination with chiropractic care, significantly reduce Low Back Pain (LBP). The National Institutes of Health (NIH) reports 80 percent of adults experience LBP at some point in their lifetime and it’s the single leading cause of disability worldwide, with many taking prescription drugs for pain relief – which often leads to long-term drug abuse and addiction.


“The study unequivocally confirms what we have known for over 65 years: Foot Levelers custom orthotics are a powerful first-line treatment in the battle against LBP,” says Kent S. Greenawalt, CEO of Foot Levelers, the world’s leading provider of custom-made functional orthotics and other therapeutic products. “There is significant scientific evidence that explains the foot-spine connection, but the bottom line is that using Foot Levelers to balance and support the feet—the foundation of the body—helps balance and support the spine. This study is another striking development in the case for evidence-based, conservative care of LBP, which in the face of America’s ongoing opioid crisis, is more important news than ever.”


A Chiropractor resident treats a patient in Hayward, California

Key Findings

  • Foot Levelers orthotics significantly reduce Low Back Pain 34.5 percent
  • Foot Levelers orthotics plus chiropractic care reduce Low Back Pain 40.4 percent
  • Foot Levelers alone or in conjunction with chiropractic care improves function:  18.5 percent and 32.3 percent, respectively


  • Outcomes assessed at six weeks. Outcomes also assessed after 12 weeks, and then after an additional three, six, and 12 months.
  • Improvements in both pain and in function as measured on the Numeric Pain Rating Scale and functional health status (Oswestry) scale.
  • 225 subjects with LBP were randomly assigned to one of three groups:
  1. Wait-list: no treatment for 6 weeks.
  2. Foot Levelers Shoe Orthotic Group: treatment plan consisted of Foot Levelers custom orthotics only.
  3. Plus Group: treatment plan of Foot Levelers custom orthotics plus chiropractic care.

Manuel Duarte, DC, MSAc, DABCO, and DACBSP, Chair of Clinical Practice at National University of Health Sciences, (Lombard, IL) and one of the study’s lead researchers, says, “LBP is one of the most common reasons cited for missed work and the NIH study confirms more than one quarter of adults reported LBP during the past three months.  Most alarming is the link between LBP and the deadly opioid epidemic, a challenge that is effectively addressed when Foot Levelers custom orthotics and drug-free chiropractic care are the first-line approach for LBP pain management.”

More on this important breaking story coming soon!

Media Contact:
Foot Levelers, Inc.
Elizabeth Parsons, 540-682-2336

Let’s Get Nerdy

Science. We like it.

And not just because the design of our custom orthotics is based on it. Not just because research proves again and again that our custom orthotics help Low Back Pain, plus a ton of other pain and performance issues.*

Wellllllll... OK. That’s a big part of it.

But we also like science because our patients like it. Nay, our patients demand it! As well they should–health is “kind of a big deal” and folks want to make sure they’re making the right decisions for their body, well-being, and longevity.

That’s why today (!) we released a BIG, whopping, dare-we-say thrilling update to our Patient Report of Findings… Check out the latest and greatest below!


This new Report of Findings–available on the cloud-based Kiosk only–reveals detailed info and images about the health of your feet and their three arches, plus how arch collapse may be contributing to problems throughout the body. It helps your doctor determine if you’re a candidate for custom orthotics.


Our 3D BodyView generates a fantastic Patient Report of Findings too–but this version is more in-depth than ever. You and your doctor are armed with…

  • More data about your feet and posture
  • Enhanced options to review the Report together
  • Nifty new graphics that show how orthotics can improve your posture
  • Sections your doctor can customize with her or his practice information so you’ll always have your doctor’s info handy should you have questions or want to schedule a follow-up

You also get emailed your very own version of the Report.

Patients are loving the Kiosk because scanning yourself is fun–and it’s a real eye-opener when it comes to learning how important foot health is, not just for the feet, but for the entire body.  Docs love the Kiosk because it saves them time–invaluable in any busy practice.


A patient gives the Kiosk a whirl as C.A. Lexi Zoppetti looks on at Bompiani Spine & Sport in Latrobe, PA.

So go ahead, get nerdy with us! We at Foot Levelers ❤ our science and we think you will too. If you’ve got back pain (or hip pain, joint pain, knee pain, neck pain, even headaches!), ask your doctor how research-backed custom orthotics can help. Don’t have a Foot Levelers doc yet? Give us a call at 800.553.4860 or message us on Facebook–we’ll help you find one in your area.

(And whether your doctor scans your feet with the 3D BodyView or the new Kiosk, the end result–should you need it–is a great pair of custom orthotics, built from scratch, made just for you).

*Hint: we’ve got another BIG announcement coming soon in the science arena. Stay tuned!

1 Scan = Unlimited Pairs (for Up to 2 Years!)

Did you know that Foot Levelers keeps your foot scan on file for 24 months? That means a fresh pair of custom orthotics or orthotic footwear may just be a phone call away!

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Call your doctor today to ask about additional pairs–whether it’s the same model you got before or you want to try something completely different, one scan gives us the information we need to build you the support you need.  And if you don’t have a Foot Levelers doctor yet, call or message us today to find one near you! 800.553.4860.

Supporting Those ‘Who Risk Their Lives to Keep Us Safe’

Team Foot Levelers was honored to kick off an unprecedented partnership with the brave men and women of Roanoke Fire-EMS this week, our hometown’s first responders. One-hundred and sixty-five of the Star City’s finest will be product-testing a new Foot Levelers orthotic top cover, designed for the toughest jobs and lifestyles!


The Roanoke Press Corps was also out in force to help share the news with our community. Check out some of their recent stories:


“Roanoke Fire-EMS is excited to partner with Foot Levelers on this exciting opportunity,” said Roanoke Fire-EMS Chief David Hoback. “We can’t wait to see how these custom products will benefit our firefighters.”

“Every new Foot Levelers product and product element must go through an intensive series of tests,” said Steve Stone, Foot Levelers Senior Vice President… “There aren’t many folks who work in tougher environments or who are harder on their feet and bodies than first responders; plus, as a company, we’re always looking for ways to give back…What better way than to support the selfless men and women who are out there every day risking their lives to keep us safe?”

Good news for our firefighters, who frequently suffer from back pain: a major clinical trial to be published in The Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation conclusively shows that Low Back Pain improves with Foot Levelers custom orthotics. We’ll be sharing more on this exciting development soon!

5 Reasons to Choose Custom Orthotics for the Treatment of Low Back Pain


1. The feet are the body’s foundation. Just like a building, fixing problems in the foundation can help with problems throughout the structure.


“…I have to load 5,000 pigs every 4 months. This entails many hours of walking on cement alleyways. I couldn’t help load without my Foot Levelers!” –Farmer Donita Koberg Platz of Minnesota

2. “Bad” feet are linked to bad backs—the research proves it. Fixing bad feet can make a huge difference in the treatment of low back pain.

3. Your feet may feel just fine—but they could be causing problems up above. Foot imbalance or dysfunction is often “silent,” but it can have ripple effects, transferring problems (and pain) to the low back.

4. Your feet are as unique as your fingerprints; your orthotics should be too. Only custom orthotics can account for differences between your right and left foot, and can include accommodations for your specific feet, body and low back pain.

5. Custom orthotics are built just for you based on a highly detailed 3D scan of your feet. Performed by a skilled health professional, the scan is sent to Foot Levelers’ team of trained design technicians, who in turn create your 100% unique, tailored product.


Patient receives a 3D laser scan on Foot Levelers’ 3D BodyView. The highly detailed image becomes like an architectural drawing for our design team. They’ll use it to create the patient’s custom orthotics.


Don’t be fooled by the over-the-counter junk; these mass-produced, generic insoles can actually worsen your pain over time. Most cases of low back pain respond to conservative care like Chiropractic adjustments plus custom-made orthotics; no need for dangerous surgery or addictive drugs. 

For lasting pain relief, improved biomechanics and health benefits that radiate throughout the body, choose custom orthotic support. Your feet, and your body, will thank you.

Low Back Pain Starts with the Foundation


It may seem counterintuitive–at first. But if you’re suffering from  low back pain, your feet may be to blame.

Say what??

The research is compelling: “bad” feet are linked to bad backs.  And fixing bad feet–even if they don’t hurt–can make a huge difference in the treatment of low back pain.

Consider this. Your feet are critical to your body structure. They support your entire weight; they balance and propel you; they adapt to and absorb walking stresses. If your feet are problematic–and that’s the case for  3 out of 4 adults, research tells us–they can’t do their job(s) correctly.  That means some of the stress and shock that should have been absorbed by the feet travels up the legs, through the spine, impacting everything above (even headaches have been tied to foot problems–that’s right, headaches!).  It also means your body may be thrown off-balance, even if that’s imperceptible to the naked eye. Step after step, day after day–symptoms worsen as these problems are reinforced.

Is it any wonder that a major study conducted in 2013 concluded that women with flat feet are 50 percent more likely than those with normal feet to suffer from low back pain?shutterstock_108320885

The health of your body’s foundation matters.  In fact, it’s critical.  Just like a building, if the body’s foundation is problematic, eventually, inevitably, problems will appear throughout the entire structure.

If you experience low back pain, have your Chiropractor examine your feet.  Correcting problems down below can do wonders for low back pain–indeed, for your quality of life–and custom orthotics are research-proven to do just that.




Foot Levelers Celebrates World Spine Day!

Join us in celebrating World Spine Day and help spread awareness about spinal health! From


“Every year on October 16th people from around the world join together to raise awareness on World Spine Day as part of the Bone and Joint Decade’s Action Week.  The World Spine Day (WSD) theme for 2015 is ‘Your Back at Work,’ focusing on the importance of education related to good spinal health and prevention of injuries in the workplace – help promote WSD by sharing a ‘spine selfie’ of ‘Your Back at Work’!

Spinal disorders, such as back pain, neck pain, scoliosis and disc disease, to name a few are common, and they can have a profound effect on a person’s overall health.

Research has demonstrated that poor postures and inactivity can contribute to the development of back pain and other spinal disorders.shutterstock_233859859

  • Back and neck pain is one of the most common reasons for workplace sick leave.
  • 50% of the working population will experience back or neck pain symptoms at least once per year.
  • In a recent study low back pain ranked as one of the most ‘disabling’ conditions and sixth in terms of usage of health funding.”

Your spine does more than keep your body upright: it’s the way that Command Central (the brain) “talks” to everything else. Chiropractic care helps you maintain a healthy spine by eliminating subluxations; custom-made orthotics are designed to help the benefits of that care last longer and stronger.   Don’t have a Chiropractor yet? You can find one here, and be sure to ask for a pedal exam to find out if orthotics are right for you.

Susan Loves Her Custom Orthotic Flip-flops (and So Will You!)

We love hearing from our patients! Thanks Susan!

“I absolutely love my Foot Levelers’ custom orthotic flip-flops. The first time I tried them on was the day I was flying to Orlando for a convention. I put them on that morning, walked through the entire airport and still had them on late into the evening. My feet, knees and low back felt great and that never would have happened in any other kind of flip-flops. I have worn Foot Levelers orthotics for over 20 years so I understand the importance of wearing the right shoe with the right correction.”

–Susan J., Andover, MA

flipflop bigger

The Real Fashion Faux Pas

You–yes you–may be harboring a dangerous villain.

It may be lurking in your bedroom closet. Or hiding in the hallway by the front door.

It may have even have made its way into the shadowy depths of….. Your back pocket.

We’re actually talking everyday items here: the oversized handbag. The workplace or evening heels. The elegant briefcase or its more modern counterpart, the laptop bag. Even the seemingly innocuous leather wallet… shutterstock_57363508The things you wear or carry on your body may secretly be conspiring to cause you serious pain and problems down the road.

We’ve talked about high heels in previous posts, but here’s Foot Levelers’ quick list of common fashion faux pas (faux pases? faux pie?) when it comes to health:

  • Large purses or handbags
  • Heavy briefcases or laptop bags
  • Too small shoes
  • High heels
  • Pointy toed shoes
  • …Even the traditional pocket wallet

Let’s “unpack” this, shall we? Big bags or heavy briefcases may carry all your essentials, but they also shift a majority of your body’s weight to one side. Our bodies are meant to stand upright–not tilt–and the addition of a large bag or purse works against this.  The result: Strain to the lower back, knees, hips, and spine.

Shoes that are too small, too tall, too pointy or fit poorly can add stress to the body and disrupt your natural gait (walking) pattern. When your walk is “off,” stress occurs in places it shouldn’t.  On your feet, you may see calluses or painful bunions. Again, strain radiates disproportionately throughout the body and joints.

shutterstock_95550097And that “innocent” wallet? Many men sport it in their back pocket during the day, and sit on it without much concern.  But sitting on a wallet creates an uneven foundation for the body in the seated position – which may cause sciatica or even a herniated disc.

There’s good news: small and simple changes will help you avoid pain and strain.  If you frequently carry bags or briefcases, alternate sides. (And strengthening the muscles that are used to carry these accessories can help hold their weight while maintaining good posture).  Guys, carry your wallet in a front pocket whenever possible.

With shoes, make sure you purchase ones that fit (one study found that 88% of women wear shoes that are too small! Eighty-eight percent!!). They should also have good support–ideally, custom-made orthotics.  When wearing heels, try not to do so for any longer than 2 hours.

Keep in mind: your body is like a building.  By protecting its foundation, and taking care of the overall structure, it will look better, last longer, and feel better, too. To your health!


Almost Half of 16-24 Year Olds Have Neck/Back Pain, Says BCA

Think back pain only affects the middle aged and up? Think again. The British Chiropractic Association (BCA) found almost half of 16-24 year olds are living with neck/back pain.  This is a worrisome trend, one that is linked to an increasingly sedentary lifestyle, much of it work related.  What can we do to combat it?


For folks of any age

  • Sit up straight while working, web surfing, reading, gaming;
  • Adjust your screen to healthy position;
  • Take breaks from sitting every 20-30 minutes.

Consider custom-made orthotics for help with back and neck pain; the research shows they’re effective. For workers who stand for long periods of time, orthotics can also help by reducing associated symptoms (leg swelling, tingling, low back pain).

Read the whole article BCA here.